Case Studies

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Core Banking provider Elevates Payment Solutions with aplonHUB

The partnership between Core Banking provider and PaymentComponents has been a success, with the integration of aplonHUB helping to support payment systems in the Nordic region. The technology behind aplonHUB meets the urgent need for regulatory compliance and adaptability in Account-to-Account (A2A) payment solutions. Thanks to this joint effort, a banking platform in the Nordic region is now one of the first in the cloud to offer Instant Payments to its customers.

Core Banking provider


  • Improve the performance, precision, and regulatory adherence of a cloud-based technology platform to answer the increasing needs of today’s financial market.
  • Help a financial institution in the Nordic region deliver Instant Payments using a cloud-based banking platform.
  • PaymentComponents has upgraded its payment system, aplonHUB, to work seamlessly with Core Banking provider's cloud-based digital payment solutions, boosting transaction speed and compliance with financial regulations.
  • aplonHUB’s flexible design easily conforms to different financial messaging standards, which means Core Banking provider's customers can meet all the regulatory requirements without any interruptions to their business.
  • PaymentComponents has included a toolkit (SDK) within aplonHUB that can be utilized to build, Parse, and validate Norway Instant Payment financial messages
  • The toolkit (SDK) within aplonHUB gets updates annually, immediately after new rules are publicized by governing authorities, ensuring the digital payment solution remains up-to-date with the latest compliance requirements.

Financial messages automation for a regional bank

Added a system for SEPA and SWIFT management and routing functionality next to the existing core banking system.



Simplify the existing message management process and separate the volatile payments processes from the rigid core banking system.
  • We installed aplonHUB on premises and integrated with existing core systems
  • We modified message routing and authorization handling to suit the banks processes
  • We enabled SEPA Credit transfers and SWIFT MT messages
  • Handled returns, replies, revoces outside the core banking
  • Required negligent modifications to the existing core systems

Payments automation for a leading cloud based core banking system

Payments automation for a leading cloud based core banking system



The client needed to add payment functionalities to their core system to enhance their core banking offering.
  • Integrated aplonHUB core system to the core banking platform
  • Modified extensively internal handling and routing so that it integrates smoothly to the core system
  • Added SEPA Credit Transfers and SEPA Direct Debits for their European clients

Credit Transfer, Direct Debits and Instant payments for regional Fintech

Automated and modernized the whole payments functionality to one of Malta’s oldest financial services firms.

Calamatta Cuschieri


The client needed to fully automate international payments and add new payment methods such as Instant payments to their existing offerings.
  • We installed aplonHUB on-premises and integrated with existing core systems
  • Implemented advanced notification and filtering mechanism to achieve full STP and automation
  • We enabled the SEPA CT, SEPA DDs, and SWIFT MT messaging modules
  • We integrated aplonHUB with their external ACHs and Corresponding banks

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